Critical catchment excess yields for Sediment attribute target state of at least the NOF C-band

License: CC BY 4.0

Date: 19 August 2023 Version: v2


There is one layer (SedimentsCatchments)

Attributes for Riverlines:

  • nzsegment: The unique DN2.4 segment identifier
  • Clarity: Current estimated median visual clarity (m) for this segment
  • Sed_Yld: Current estimated Sediment yield (t/km2/year) for this segment
  • Sed_Yld: The best estimate of the excess Sediment load for this segment (t/km2/year)
  • Clar_com: The probability that the current state as defined by the estimated median visual clarity complies with the crtieria for the NOF C-band for this segment


Resource attributes

Information type Spatial layer
Technical format Shapefile
Data units / categories
Spatial reference / projection NZTM