Onions - critical climate risks
Description The key climate risks for onions have been characterised in terms of the sensitive period and the critical threshold. Each risk layer shows the mean number of days... -
Onions - crop suitability maps, rules and yield information
Description Crop (Onions) suitability information includes: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally Suited, 4 - Unsuitable) rules used to... -
Onions - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Our Future Climate New Zealand - NZ Climate Change Maps
Description In this dataset, you can explore temperature and rainfall projections for New Zealand. You can select from: six Global Climate Models (GCMs), four... -
Pasture - annual potential evapotranspiration deficit under pasture (to mid a...
Description Annual potential evapotranspiration deficit (PED) is the sum of daily PED under pasture over a year (starting July).The six-model ensemble mean of annual-mean... -
Pasture production maps (historical weather)
Description Spatial distribution of estimated annual pasture production across New Zealand. A summary of APSIM simulations of a ryegrass/white clover pasture under five... -
Pasture production maps under climate change
Description Spatial distribution of estimated annual pasture production across New Zealand under climate change scenarios. A summary of APSIM simulations of a ryegrass/white... -
Peas (vining) - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Peas - critical climate risks
Description The key climate risks for peas have been characterised in terms of the sensitive period and the criitcal threshold. Each risk layer shows the mean number of days in... -
Peas - crop suitability maps, rules and yield information
Description Crop (Peas) suitability information includes: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally Suited, 4 - Unsuitable) rules used to... -
Potatoes - critical climate risks
Description The key climate risks for potatoes have been characterised in terms of the sensitive period and the critical threshold. Each risk layer shows the mean number of days... -
Potatoes - crop suitability maps, rules and yield information
Description Crop (Potatoes) suitability information includes: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally Suited, 4 - Unsuitable) rules used... -
Potatoes - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Predicted groundwater redox state in New Zealand
Description Denitrification (i.e. the attenuation of nitrate, a key groundwater contaminant in New Zealand) requires anoxic or low oxygen environments. Hence the redox status of... -
Radiata pine - site suitability
Description Radiata pine site suitability for afforestation, including: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally suited, 4 - Unsuitable)... -
Radiata pine - spatial carbon by age and stocking
Description Spatial estimates of stand carbon for radiata pine at three stockings (low 400 stems/ha; medium, 650; and high, 900) and at three ages for the medium stocking (ages... -
Radiata pine - spatial productivity indices
Description Spatial productivity metrics for radiata pine: Site Index, a measure of height growth potential, and 300 Index, a measure of volume growth potential which can... -
Redwood - spatial carbon by age and stocking
Description Spatial estimates of stand carbon for coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) at three stockings (low, 400 stems/ha; medium, 650 stems/ha; and high, 900 stems/ha) and... -
Redwood - spatial productivity indices
Description Spatial productivity metrics for redwood (Sequoia sempervirens): Site Index, a measure of height growth potential, and 300 Index, a measure of volume growth... -
Regional trends for six key hydrological indicators under RCP8.5 (Table)
Description The TopNet hydrological model used in this study (Clark et al. 2008) is routinely used for surface water hydrological modelling applications in New Zealand. TopNet...