Wine grape-Pinot noir - economic indicators


Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land use in a location.

These are based on the Plant and Food Research (PFR) estimates of crop suitability and production.


Date: May 2024 Version: v3

Owner: LWP Ltd

Contact: Simon Harris, LWP Ltd


Link to report / paper

LWP Ltd. 2022. Whitiwhiti Ora Productive Potential - Report on Method for Estimating Economics of Horticultural, Arable, and Alternate Dairy Land Uses (Final Data Release). March 2024 Milestone Report for Whitiwhiti Ora.


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Dataset attributes

Spatial extent National. Data provided only for locations where PFR suitability score is > 0.5
Spatial resolution National scale data allocated to 5km grids
Temporal extent 2023. Expenses updated to 2023 using business price index (StatsNZ).
Temporal resolution Annual
Evaluation method (Validation) None
Evaluation result (Numeric)
Evaluation result (Categorical)
Uncertainty method
Uncertainty data format (Numeric)
Uncertainty data format (Categorical)



Data is based on industry data and reports.

Yield data from industry national average for Pinot Noir. The average of Plant and Food Research (PFR) yield for the top 10% of locations was used as a ratio of the industry data single point yield estimate to scale the PFR yield in each location.

This adjusted yield was used to estimated revenue, variable expenses and variable labour requirements for each location. From these the total revenue, expenses, operating profit and on farm labour costs were calculated. FTE per 10 ha was calculated using a standard cost of $52,345/FTE.

These data points were used to generate estimates of direct (on farm) gross domestic product (GDP), household income (HHI), and employment (FTE per 10 ha). Multipliers from a regional IO table were used to calculate the indirect and induced effects of the expenditure and houshold income, which was added to the direct estimates to generate a Total GDP, Total HHI, and Total FTE/10 ha.


Fitness for purpose / limitations

This table indicates whether the dataset is suitable for different types of questions at different scales.

Note: Users should carefully consider their purpose as this dataset may not be suitable.

Operational Absolute Relative Screening/scoping
Block/farm No No Maybe Yes
Multi-farms(5+) No No Yes Yes
Catchment No Yes Yes Yes
National/regional Yes Yes Yes Yes
Caveat(s) Data based on industry information and MPI monitoring report data. Moderate quality base yield and price data from industry sources, although MPI financials are two years old and based on a limited sample. Note caveats on underlying PFR suitability and yield data.

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