Crop growing requirements
Description Spreadsheet with key growing requirements for a range of vegetable, arable, fruit, nut and truffle crops. Date: December 2023 Version: V1 Owner: Plant &... -
Crop rotation nitrogen leaching loss estimate maps
Description Spatial distribution of estimated mean annual nitrogen (N) leaching losses from crop rotations across New Zealand. A summary of results from APSIM simulations of... -
Cropping greenhouse gas emissions
Description Gross biogenic greenhouse gas emissions estimates from growing crops on an average or typical farm or orchard. Date: June 2024 Version: v1 Owner: Plant &... -
Cupressus (cypress) species - Spatial productivity indices
Description Spatial productivity indices for Cupressus macrocarpa and Cupressus lusitanica which can be used as inputs to a cypress growth model Kimberley and Watt (2023) for... -
Current state vs freshwater objectives (Report)
Description Report describing concentrations and loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and Escherichia coli in New Zealand’s aquatic receiving environments and their... -
Current state vs freshwater objectives: E. coli
Description Comparison of Escherichia coli to NOF C-band in New Zealand’s river receiving environments. The dataset contains the following attributes for rivers and... -
Current state vs freshwater objectives: Nutrients [Nitrogen and Phosphorus]
Description Comparison of Nutrient concentrations and loads to National Bottom Lines in New Zealand’s river, lake and estuary receiving environments. The dataset contains the... -
Current state vs freshwater objectives: Sediment
Description Comparison of visual clarity and sediment loads to National Bottom Lines in New Zealand’s river receiving environments. The dataset contains the following... -
Dairy - economic indicators
Description Estimates of Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a dairy in a location.... -
Dairy heat stess under climate change
Description The Thermal Heat Index (THI) is a model of the level of heat stress experienced by dairy cows as described by Bryant et al (2007). This data set estimates the number... -
Dairy types and N, P and GHG losses
Description A table and spatial layer of dairy types and their associated loss rates for N, P and greenhouse gases. Date: November 2023 Version: v2 Owner: AgResearch... -
Douglas fir - site suitability
Description Douglas fir site suitability for afforestation, including: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally suited, 4 - Unsuitable)... -
Emissions Trading Scheme Standard Carbon Tables (ETS Lookup tables)
Description For owners with less that 100 ha of forest registered in the ETS, entitlement to carbon credits (NZUs) is calculated based on Standard Carbon Tables, which express... -
Eucalyptus fastigata - site suitability
Description Eucalyptus fastigata site suitability for afforestation, including: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally suited, 4 -... -
Facial eczema risks in New Zealand under changing climates
Description Three shapefiles of New Zealand showing estimates of climatic suitability for Pseudopithomyces chartarum sporulation at 0.05 degree resolution under historical and... -
Forest fire danger (1990s, 2040, 2090)
Description Annual frequency of Very High and Extreme forest fire danger during the Oct-Apr fire season - 1990s, 2040, 2090. Date: Oct 2011 Version: v1 Owner: Scion... -
Forestry greenhouse gas emissions
Description Overview document and tables describing sinks and sources of greenhouse gases in forests, including indicative estimates of their magnitude and inclusion within... -
Grow Degree Days (GDD) under climate change
Description GDD are the total number of degrees Celsius that the mean daily temperature is above a base threshold temperature (10 degrees Celsius) in a year. The ensemble annual... -
Haemonchosis risks in New Zealand under changing climates
Description One shapefile of New Zealand showing estimates for the risk of haemonchosis at 0.05 degree resolution under historical and future climates. Historical results are... -
Honey-Manuka - crop suitability maps, rules and yield information
Description Crop (Honey-Manuka) suitability information includes: map of suitability categories (1 - Well suited, 2 - Suitable, 3 - Marginally Suited, 4 - Unsuitable) rules...