Forest fire danger (1990s, 2040, 2090)
Description Annual frequency of Very High and Extreme forest fire danger during the Oct-Apr fire season - 1990s, 2040, 2090. Date: Oct 2011 Version: v1 Owner: Scion... -
Forestry greenhouse gas emissions
Description Overview document and tables describing sinks and sources of greenhouse gases in forests, including indicative estimates of their magnitude and inclusion within... -
Haemonchosis risks in New Zealand under changing climates
Description One shapefile of New Zealand showing estimates for the risk of haemonchosis at 0.05 degree resolution under historical and future climates. Historical results are... -
Kiwifruit-Gold - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Kiwifruit-Green - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Maize-Grain - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Mean annual suspended sediment yields and net suspended sediment loads modell...
Description Mean annual suspended sediment yields (t km-2 yr-1) and net suspended sediment loads (t yr-1) modelled using SedNetNZ for all RECv2.4 segments for a baseline and... -
Models of erosion processes and suspended sediment loads in New Zealand
Description The purpose of this brief guidance is to outline options for accessing modelled information on erosion processes and suspended sediment loads in New Zealand. ... -
Multiple crops suitability & yield
Description Mulitple crop suitability information includes: a pdf with maps of all the crop suitability and yield information (Apr 2022, v1) a table with the suitability rules... -
National E. coli risk map
Description The E. coli runoff risk map maps the risk scores from the risk matrix (page 2, Table i) developed by Muirhead et al. (2023) with reference to Monaghan et al. (2021)... -
Onions - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Peas (vining) - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Potatoes - economic indicators
Description Estimates of the Adjusted Yield, Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with a land... -
Regional trends for six key hydrological indicators under RCP8.5 (Table)
Description The TopNet hydrological model used in this study (Clark et al. 2008) is routinely used for surface water hydrological modelling applications in New Zealand. TopNet... -
Sheep and beef - economic indicators
Description Estimates of Revenue, Expenses, Operating Profit, Labour, and regional flow on impacts (GDP, Household income, and Labour) associated with dryland Sheep and beef in... -
Sheep and beef types and N, P and GHG losses
Description A spatial layer and a table of sheep and beef types and their associated loss rates for N, P and greenhouse gases. Date: June 2024 Version: v2 Owner:... -
Sheep and beef typology table of mitigation effectiveness for N and P losses ...
Description A table of sheep and beef typologies and typology linked mitigation measures that improve N and P losses to water along with their GHG emission co-benefits. ... -
Tree species selection
Description Short document providing links to decision support tools and information to help with planning tree planting projects - matching the right tree to the right place... -
WWO Productive Potential - Method for Estimating Economics of Horticultural, ...
Description Describes the data sources and method for calculating economic indicators associated with assessed land uses. Includes a summary of the mapped data and some... -
WWO tools and their uses (Report)
Description The Whitiwhiti Ora (WWO) Data Supermarket contains various datasets that have been produced by the Our Land and Water Challenge (OL&W) that have been made...